Source code for urwidtrees.widgets

# Copyright (C) 2013  Patrick Totzke <>
# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.

import urwid
from urwid import WidgetWrap, ListBox
from urwid import signals

from .decoration import DecoratedTree, CollapseMixin
from .nested import NestedTree
    # lru_cache is part of the stdlib from v3.2 onwards
    from functools import lru_cache
except ImportError:
    # on older versions we use a backport
    from .lru_cache import lru_cache

# The following functions are used to check dynamically if a tree offers sub-APIs

def implementsDecorateAPI(tree):
    """determines if given tree offers line decoration"""
    return isinstance(tree, (DecoratedTree, NestedTree))

def implementsCollapseAPI(tree):
    """determines if given tree can collapse positions"""
    return isinstance(tree, (CollapseMixin, NestedTree))

[docs]class TreeListWalker(urwid.ListWalker): """ ListWalker to walk through a class:`Tree`. This translates a :class:`Tree` into a :class:`urwid.ListWalker` that is digestible by :class:`urwid.ListBox`. It uses :meth:`Tree.[next|prev]_position <Tree.next_position>` to determine the next/previous position in depth first order. """ def __init__(self, tree, focus=None): """ :param tree: the tree to be displayed :type tree: Tree :param focus: position of node to be focussed initially. This has to be a valid position in the Tree. It defaults to the value of `Tree.root`. """ self._tree = tree self._focus = focus or tree.root self.root = tree.root @lru_cache() def __getitem__(self, pos): """gets (possibly decorated) line widget at given position""" if implementsDecorateAPI(self._tree): entry = self._tree.get_decorated(pos) else: entry = self._tree[pos] return entry
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """removes all cached lines""" self.__getitem__.cache_clear()
def _get(self, pos): """looks up widget for given position; handling invalid arguments""" res = None, None if pos is not None: try: res = self[pos], pos except (IndexError, KeyError): pass return res # List Walker API. def get_focus(self): return self._get(self._focus) def set_focus(self, pos): self._focus = pos self._modified() def get_next(self, pos): return self._get(self._tree.next_position(pos)) def get_prev(self, pos): return self._get(self._tree.prev_position(pos))
[docs] def positions(self, reverse=False): """returns a generator that walks the tree's positions""" return self._tree.positions(reverse)
# end of List Walker API
[docs]class TreeBox(WidgetWrap): """ A widget that displays a given :class:`Tree`. This is essentially a :class:`ListBox` with the ability to move the focus based on directions in the Tree and to collapse/expand subtrees if possible. TreeBox interprets `left/right` as well as `page up/`page down` to move the focus to parent/first child and next/previous sibling respectively. All other keys are passed to the underlying ListBox. """ def __init__(self, tree, focus=None): """ :param tree: tree of widgets to be displayed. :type tree: Tree :param focus: initially focussed position """ self._tree = tree self._walker = TreeListWalker(tree) self._outer_list = ListBox(self._walker) if focus is not None: self._outer_list.set_focus(focus) self.__super.__init__(self._outer_list) # Widget API def get_focus(self): return self._outer_list.get_focus() def set_focus(self, pos): return self._outer_list.set_focus(pos) def refresh(self): self._walker.clear_cache() signals.emit_signal(self._walker, "modified") def keypress(self, size, key): key = self._outer_list.keypress(size, key) if key in ['left', 'right', '[', ']', '-', '+', 'C', 'E', ]: if key == 'left': self.focus_parent() elif key == 'right': self.focus_first_child() elif key == '[': self.focus_prev_sibling() elif key == ']': self.focus_next_sibling() elif key == '-': self.collapse_focussed() elif key == '+': self.expand_focussed() elif key == 'C': self.collapse_all() elif key == 'E': self.expand_all() # This is a hack around ListBox misbehaving: # it seems impossible to set the focus without calling keypress as # otherwise the change becomes visible only after the next render() return self._outer_list.keypress(size, None) else: return self._outer_list.keypress(size, key) # Collapse operations
[docs] def collapse_focussed(self): """ Collapse currently focussed position; works only if the underlying tree allows it. """ if implementsCollapseAPI(self._tree): w, focuspos = self.get_focus() self._tree.collapse(focuspos) self._walker.clear_cache() self.refresh()
[docs] def expand_focussed(self): """ Expand currently focussed position; works only if the underlying tree allows it. """ if implementsCollapseAPI(self._tree): w, focuspos = self.get_focus() self._tree.expand(focuspos) self._walker.clear_cache() self.refresh()
[docs] def collapse_all(self): """ Collapse all positions; works only if the underlying tree allows it. """ if implementsCollapseAPI(self._tree): self._tree.collapse_all() self.set_focus(self._tree.root) self._walker.clear_cache() self.refresh()
[docs] def expand_all(self): """ Expand all positions; works only if the underlying tree allows it. """ if implementsCollapseAPI(self._tree): self._tree.expand_all() self._walker.clear_cache() self.refresh()
# Tree based focus movement
[docs] def focus_parent(self): """move focus to parent node of currently focussed one""" w, focuspos = self.get_focus() parent = self._tree.parent_position(focuspos) if parent is not None: self.set_focus(parent)
[docs] def focus_first_child(self): """move focus to first child of currently focussed one""" w, focuspos = self.get_focus() child = self._tree.first_child_position(focuspos) if child is not None: self.set_focus(child)
[docs] def focus_last_child(self): """move focus to last child of currently focussed one""" w, focuspos = self.get_focus() child = self._tree.last_child_position(focuspos) if child is not None: self.set_focus(child)
[docs] def focus_next_sibling(self): """move focus to next sibling of currently focussed one""" w, focuspos = self.get_focus() sib = self._tree.next_sibling_position(focuspos) if sib is not None: self.set_focus(sib)
[docs] def focus_prev_sibling(self): """move focus to previous sibling of currently focussed one""" w, focuspos = self.get_focus() sib = self._tree.prev_sibling_position(focuspos) if sib is not None: self.set_focus(sib)
[docs] def focus_next(self): """move focus to next position (DFO)""" w, focuspos = self.get_focus() next = self._tree.next_position(focuspos) if next is not None: self.set_focus(next)
[docs] def focus_prev(self): """move focus to previous position (DFO)""" w, focuspos = self.get_focus() prev = self._tree.prev_position(focuspos) if prev is not None: self.set_focus(prev)